Discover Moscow through interesting mission routes based on children's interests. Now, a family trip can easily become an exciting adventure game

let's PLAY "Moscow"!
make your own route!
Moscow offers a family tourist route for you and your children. You can find all information regarding this route on a print map "Secret of the Green planet". While using this map, you will be moving from one point to another and compete different tasks. You will also find QR code on this map. If you follow QR code, you will find a lot of additional information about the route, including interesting facts and stories. Participants that will complete an entire route and its tasks will be able to receive a souvenir.
The route begins at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, passes through "GES-2", Alexander Garden, Red Square, and ends at the "Zaryadye" Park. Your task is to discover how the inhabitants of big cities can achieve harmony with nature.
"Secret of the green planet" mission
how to play?
Distribution points for the Route map
Select a route and get a map
Select where you want to get the map. We recommend that you explore multiple routes at the same time.
Each route has tasks waiting for you. Completing certain tasks will earn you special stickers for your map. Collect all the stickers and be sure to place them on the route map. Detailed game rules are provided within each map.
Follow the route and complete the tasks
Show the filled map with stickers to any staff member of the Moscow Tourist Information Center and receive a souvenir.
Get a gift for completing the route
In order for your child to be a happy adult, he or she needs to learn how to make decisions. Delegate authority to the little ones in the game — it will build their confidence.
quality family time
The tasks on the course are an excellent intellectual workout. Different ways of thinking, from analysis to deduction, will be useful for a child to master them.
Children want to feel a big and important part of their parents' lives. Let’s show them by doing that in life. Sharing knowledge and topics for discussion will help us understand each other better and serve as the great tool for bringing the family closer together.
cognitive development
growth mindset
Benifits of the game
Interesting facts from a variety of fields await you along the way. The more a child learns about the world today, the greater the chance of finding his or her true calling in the future.
wide view
Smile and remember that our main goal is to have fun!
positive vibes
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let's PLAY "Moscow"!
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